Cladtek Joins Industrial Symbiosis Week, Supporting Circular Economy Initiatives in Santa Cruz

Celebrating World Environment Day, Cladtek participated in the Industrial Symbiosis Week: Challenges and Opportunities, from May 20th to 24th. This event highlighted our commitment to environmental stewardship through various innovative programs and initiatives.

The week-long event was part of the PRESI Project (Pathways for Resource Efficiency in Santa Cruz Industries), a collaboration between AEDIN (Associação Empresas Distrito Ind. de Santa Cruz), the Secretary for the Development of Industry and Commerce of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Energia e Relações Internacionais do Rio de Janeiro), and Kalundborg Symbiosis, a Danish organisation known for its work in industrial symbiosis for over 50 years.

Made possible by Clean, and facilitated by Greennova Hub, and financial support of the Danish Energy Agency, the PRESI program aims to lay the groundwork for actions promoting the circular economy. It encourages integration among companies in the Santa Cruz Industrial Cluster, enhancing resource efficiency, reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and sharing services. This approach not only yields environmental benefits but also drives financial gains, strengthening companies and fostering job creation and local development.

The event kicked off at the Laura Alvim Culture House, now known as the G20 House, as it hosts various forums related to the upcoming G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro this November. The opening ceremony saw participation from senior management of AEDIN member companies, the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and members of the Danish delegation from Kalundborg Symbiosis and Viegand Maagøe.

Melissa Rocco de Oliveira, HSE Manager at Cladtek and coordinator of the AEDIN Symbiosis project emphasised the collaborative efforts and progress made in symbiotic screening and the exchange and networking opportunities among companies. “The Industrial Cluster of Santa Cruz is becoming stronger and united. We have already evolved a lot in our project and can achieve much more in the near future,” said Oliveira.

Daniel Werneck, Commercial Director of Cladtek, also shared about Cladtek’s business, highlighting the application of Cladtek products in CCUS processes, which can support the decarbonisation of the energy sector. This special focus has fostered closer ties with the Danish sponsors of numerous projects and initiatives aimed at promoting CO2 removal technologies.

During the week, Danish teams conducted detailed technical screenings at three companies within the Santa Cruz Industrial Cluster, including Cladtek. These assessments revealed several opportunities to reduce energy and water consumption within the factory, as well as possibilities for beneficial exchanges of by-products (waste) and services among companies in the District.

Cladtek’s participation in the Industrial Symbiosis Week underscores our commitment to environmental sustainability and proactive role in fostering a more resource-efficient and eco-friendly industrial landscape. This is in line with this year’s World Environment Day campaign, which focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”