Our Values

Who we are and how we go about our business is just as important as the products and solutions that we deliver. We continue to develop a culture where everyone can feel safe, respected and empowered to be the very best they can be and one where there is strength and unity in delivering common goals. The Cladtek culture is typified in our core values.


There’s power in UNITY. Together we are much more powerful.

We value each person and actively create opportunities to harness the unique skills that each member brings.

We embrace diversity and utilise many and varied perspectives in building one unified eco-system.

We build strong union with our valued clients to fortify both our futures.

Our commitment to each other means that we are reliable and we go beyond to help our fellow team members.

We understand that accountability is a cornerstone in the pursuit of excellence. We take full responsibility for our actions and acknowledge that we are accountable for the results that we deliver, both individually and collectively.


We thrive on delivering EXCELLENCE.

We understand that excellence can only be attained when all parts of the business achieve a level of precision. We strive to attain excellence across every dimension of our business. We develop the necessary systems to maintain levels of excellence across our operations.


We value life and champion SUSTAINABILITY.

We rigorously apply the highest safety standards across our operations, because above all things, we value our people. We engineer solutions that stand the test of time. We take a long-term approach to the solutions we provide and the impact our actions have on our world.

We develop sustainable programs that empower our people, so that they know they are making a positive difference. We innovate and adapt in order to reduce our environmental impact.


Progress demands INNOVATION.

We constantly innovate to continuously improve. We motivate each other to think differently, explore possibilities and break boundaries.

Our innovative approach helps us to overcome obstacles and devise solutions to complex challenges.


Delivering value is paramount to our purpose

We want our clients to receive exceptional value and become strong advocates.